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STR&SNP sequencing

Forensic laboratories currently use PCR and capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods to analyze short tandem repeat (STR) markers and other polymorphic markers. Due to the limitations of fluorescent color and length, multiple polymorphic markers are usually required multiple rounds of detection. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) can perform analysis of whole-chromosomal STR markers and a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and mitochondrial hypervariable regions by a single test. MGI's DNBSEQTM sequencing technology features high accuracy, low duplicate rate, and low index hopping, enabling you to get more information from DNA and help you solve problems efficiently.

Sample Prep

Sequencing Bioinformatic analysis

MGIEasy Signature Identification Library Prep Kit (Coming soon) Detect over 360 markers in one tube and it includes all reagents required to prepare a sequencing library for forensic DNA samples

DNBSEQ-G400RS,A fully validated next-generation sequencing system for forensic genomics

Automated Sample Prep System MGISP-960, MGISP-100 DNBSEQ-G400RS High-throughput Sequencing Set (SE400) Bioinformatics accelerator MegaBOLT
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